About Us

Please visit our new website at www.pacrimsculptors.org.

Pacific Rim Sculptors Group was formed in 1988 by six San Francisco Bay Area sculptors who wanted to establish a new forum for their peers to meet, exchange ideas and exhibit their work. The first newsletter was published in August of 1990. The organization wrote its by-laws in 1991, “to ensure we remained a democratic organization,” and by 1993 Pacific Rim had grown to the point that an administrator was brought on to handle day-to-day affairs and publish the newsletter.

The Pacific Rim Sculptors Group maintains an active slide registry containing slides of the works of its members. The registry is available to members as well as curators, gallery owners and collectors.

Pacific Rim publishes a bi-monthly newsletter containing announcements of organization exhibitions, programs and activities, members news, minutes of the meetings, exhibition, grant and commission opportunities, and other information of interest to its members.

Pacific Rim sponsors informal slide nights where members gather to view slides and discuss work.

Pacific Rim sponsors 4 juried exhibitions per year at venues throughout the Bay Area.