Thursday, December 08, 2005

November 10th General Meeting

Lorraine Rosenblatt Administrator
It wasn’t surprising with such renown speakers, that the attendance at our November 10th meeting at Fort Mason, was over 40 people. There was a mixture of people - members, artists who are not yet members, and art students.

Daniel Keegan, Director of the San Jose Museum of Art, gave a very delightful slide presentation and talk on the clay history and works that are in the San Jose Museum of Art collection.

An engaging shaman with clay, Arthur Gonzales, Department Chair at CCA, presented slides of his work and spoke about the methods he has developed to craft his clay sculptures.

John Toki is a well-known clay sculptor whose pieces have been displayed all over the Bay Area. John’s insightful talk along with his slide presentation, concentrated on the thought processes he goes through to make the large scale pieces he executes so well.

After the speakers, there was a very lively question and answer concentrating on the state of clay art and its impact on society.